Tuesday, 26 April 2016

She died but her hubby had to pay with his own blood!

Susan tries to hug her husband, Daniel and kiss him. He just shoved her aside gently while he went to do something absolutely not necessary. He wouldnt eat her food neither receive or return her hugs. It's been a difficult season for her.

As she stepped into the kitchen to clear up after dinner, she started speaking to her Father about the whole event. "God, it has not been so easy living with your son (my husband), he is one of the most difficult people I know. Forgiveness doesn't come easy to him, I have apologised a million times. As it were, he's hurt me more than words can explain but yet most times he acts like I am the devil. I don't know how much I can hold on but please help me."

Her Father speaks to her and she returns to her husband, in her mind she kept speaking the truth of the scriptures, "my husband loves me as Christ loves the church and gave Himself up for her". Though she had no desire any more to say those Words, but faith kept urging her on. So she will still hold Dan ' s hands as he comes back, still serve the food he would not eat, and still let him know in several different ways that she's available to him. All to know avail.

She got tired of trying, got tired of serving him. "Well, I still love him but I can't force myself on him". When he's ready he will come back to me.

So off she goes having a time out with friends, trying hard not to bother about the challenges at home. Not having any idea how to kick strife out of her home.

She left her friends tired and exasperated, sad and frustrated,

she sat, thinking and trying to mutter some words to her Father when He said,"you have prayed for long and confessed your husbands love for you, and I have answered. But you don't act like you have received, you don't  act like one who is loved.

It was the aha moment for her. She braced herself again for his return, eagerly waiting. She excitedly jumped as he enters the house, hugging, chatting , setting the dishes.

Dan was confused and tried hard not to show. Susan is a good woman and patient........but never with this much zeal. He watched to see if she would quit but she kept on loving, happy, ignoring.

At last, he came and held her for so long she thought her breathe will cease. He started talking how his day has been and the visions of his heart.

He hasn't become all Susan wanted but he has been a huge progress.

The story has not ended

Susan is Jesus, Daniel is us all.

Susan is full of grace and truth. She keeps coming and loving, while Daniel knowing that Susan will always come running to him or maybe even ignorant of her love, kept taking her grace for granted.

Do not reject the grace of God. If you accept grace, you will enjoy the fullness of life here on earth and when we depart (ofcourse enduring hardship as a good soldier of Christ (2Tim2:3-5) is part of the privilege we have as sons of God but we glory in these things,  we glory in the tribulations (Romans 5:3).  Oh how confused the world is about this joy we have). If you do not, you will pay with your own blood....and your blood is not enough to pay.

How long will Jesus keep knocking, how long will you keep pushing him away. He will not force Himself on you against your will but He will keep loving in patience, waiting for you.

Do not take the grace of God for granted... Because a time will come when it will not be available again. When Jesus CANNOT wait any longer for you to come around, when time would have really gone

Grace is available today. Embrace him....Accept Christ today and make maximum use of grace to live a life pleasing to God!

For more information on how to give your life to Christ and grow in Him email chiukwunenyem@gmail.com

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